Thursday 17 July 2008

go clubbing for money

I've never been a great fan of nightclubs. Never really saw the point. The drinks are expensive, you have to PAY to get in, people are sweaty, never anywhere to sit and the music is too loud to have a conversation. Daft if you ask me.

But if you aren't asking me, and for some reason you actually enjoy these places, then you might as well try and make some money whilst you are there.

Many, many clubs will pay you to get more punters through their doors, whether they are your friends or someone you have just met on the street.

Get in touch with all the local clubs in your area and offer your services as a Promoter. For every person you bring in you will receive commission. Some smaller clubs may only offer you and your guests free admission or a drink but I guess it is something.

Some larger clubs will pay you a percentage of your guests expenditure if they take a table for the night.

Income will vary, it is all down to how good a negotiator you are with your commission, and how many people you can pull through the doors.

Start small and get in touch with friends, family, work colleagues and then build up from there.

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