Sunday 29 June 2008

ebay#1: sell things online for money

So far I haven't mentioned ebay at all on this site. Mainly because it is so glaringly obvious, and if you have enough knowledge to find my site then you will have at least a vague idea of what ebay is and how to use it.

However I shall from time to time post tips on the best way of making money through ebay that you may or may not have considered.

Many people are unaware of ebay pulse.

This site shows the top searches, which you can select via ebay category, of everything that people are searching for at that moment on ebay. It also shows you what items are most heavily watched by ebay users.

Armed with this knowledge you have instant access to what the market wants. If you know what the market wants then you know what to sell. A very valuable tool.

Apparently at the moment the ebay market is not searching for a my broken lawnmower.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ebay is best place to start . You can make tons of money with it.