Sunday 18 May 2008

use your knowledge for money

Over the years you accumulate a lot of trivial facts in your head. It's never usually anything useful, but its stored there for that day when one day you might despereately need to know something.

So put that knowledge for use by earning cash by working for a text question service. Clients text a premium rate number answering any question they want, and expect the answer within 10 minutes. You then respond with the answer and get paid for using your head.

Obviously there are times when you will not know the answer and so will have to do some research online, in encyclopedia's etc. Once answered your reply is stored and can be reused later. If the question has been answered by someone else before, you receive a choice of answers to use, and still get paid as does the orginal answer creator.

If you don't know the answer you can push it back for someone else to think about. The 3 big UK (Texperts, ANSA & AQA ) companies pay between 10-30p per answer. You can fit it in whenever you have spare time

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